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Udskudt – Foredrag på engelsk: Ig Nobel Prize: first laugh, then think
14. april 2020 kl. 19.00 - 20.30
Februar, marts og april kommer til at stå i naturvidenskabens tegn i Korsør Kulturhus.
Det er med stor glæde at vi i Korsør Kulturhus kan byde velkommen som vært til 7 ” livestreaming” foredrag i Naturvidenskab der udbydes af Aarhus Universitet i samarbejde Carlsberg fonden.
Ig Nobel Prize: first laugh, then think er et foredrag i serien Offentlige foredrag i Naturvidenskab
Forelæsere: Lecture by the founder of the Ig Nobel Prize, Marc Abrahams, and three price winners
Sprog: engelsk
Entré: gratisadgangsbillet (påkrævet) bestilles på Kulturhusets hjemmeside
Tirsdag den 14 april 2020
kl. 19:00 – 21:00 | mødetid: 18:45
The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for ”peculiar research” that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.
Meet some of the researchers who have received the alternative Nobel Prize – the Ig Nobel Prize.
It is hard to describe the Ig Nobel Prize and the lectures of the price winners in particular –you need to experience it.
The award ceremony takes place every year in a blaze of publicity at a great gala ceremony at Harvard University, USA and is orchestrated by the founder of the prize, Marc Abrahams.
The Ig Nobel Prize highlights ten research results of the year that are exceptionally creative, unlikely and bizarre, though still serious. To put it in another way: The prize is awarded to “peculiar research” that initially makes us laugh and afterwards gives us food for thought.
The prize covers a wide range of sciences, yet with the main emphasis on natural science, medicine, and social science. In general, the prizes are given to respected and serious research that has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
The evening begins with a short lecture from the founder, Marc Abrahams, who will talk about the prize, the ceremony at Harvard University and some of the recent prize winners and their research “which neither can or should be repeated”. Later on, the three Ig Nobel Prize winners below will explain and perhaps demonstrate their prize-winning achievements:
Sindre Eftestøl, Oslo University – for testing how reindeer react to seeing humans who are disguised as polar bears. The research won The 2014 Ig Nobel Prize in Arctic Science.
Eva Bertilsson – for using a simple animal-training technique – called “clicker training” – to train surgeons to perform orthopedic surgery. The research won The 2019 Ig Nobel Prize in Medical Education.
Peter Witzgall, University of Munich and University of Swedish Agricultural Sciences – for demonstrating that wine experts can reliably identify, by smell, the presence of a single fly in a glass of wine. The research won The 2018 Ig Nobel Prize in Biology.
Warning: The lectures are not suitable for the humourless 🙂
Forelæserne er oftest forskere – primært fra Aarhus Universitet, men også andre universiteter og forskningsinstitutioner i Danmark og udlandet – som fortæller om de nyeste opdagelser og erkendelser inden for primært naturvidenskab og sundhedsvidenskab.
Niveauet er højt, og som deltager bliver man udfordret, men kan få udbytte af alle foredrag – uanset hvilke faglige forudsætninger man har. Deltagerne spænder derfor vidt – lige fra elever grundskolens ældste klasser til professorer.
Entré: gratisadgangsbilletter (påkrævet) bestilles på Kulturhusets hjemmeside.
- Dato:
- 14. april 2020
- Tidspunkt:
19.00 - 20.30
- Begivenhed Kategorier:
- For voksne, Fordrag, Slider
- Korsør Kulturhus
Skolegade 1
- Link til billet:
- https://www.place2book.com/da/sw2/sales/event_list/EM1609