Chris Rupp and the 7th Ave Band (USA)

Chris Rupp and the 7th Ave Band (USA)

European Tour 2018


Fra Chris Rupp, grundlæggeren af det internationalt anerkendte country a capella band Home Free, kommer nu et helt nyt vokal band fra USA kaldet 7th Ave!

Udstyret med fire verdensklasse vokalister og spændende harmonier, genskaber 7th Ave nye og gamle sange på deres egen unikke måde. Med en kombination af instumenter og a capella skaber de en musikalsk oplevelse ud over det sædvanlige.

7th Ave optræder både med sange fra deres første album ”Debut” og fra deres YouTube kanal, hvor du vil opleve deres unikke tilgang til kendte sange fra både nutiden og fortiden.


From the mind of Chris Rupp, founder of the internationally acclaimed country a cappella group Home Free, comes an all new vocal project from the U.S. called 7th Ave! Featuring 4 world class vocalists and intricate harmonies, 7th Ave re-imagines songs both old and new in their own unique style, using a combination of instruments and a cappella to create a musical experience that is second to none. Featuring songs from their first album “Debut” as well as tracks from their YouTube channel, 7th Ave takes their own unique approach to songs you will recognize from both the past and present.

Chris Rupp and the 7th Ave Band (USA)


Torsdag den 12. april 2018

Billetpris kr. 110,- (Siddepladser)

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